
The purpose of this charter is to record for posterity and future reference those things about the Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry (afterward identified as BFC M/M) that make it unique & effective.

These will maintain the spirit and intentions of the original and ongoing ministry. The charter serves as a written guide to keep the ministry rooted in where we are and to build goals for where we are going.

The charter helps us to always remain focused on and never forget the fact that God is the reason for this ministry.

Who We Are

BFC M/M is a motorcycle ministry in which members ride their bikes and participate in events that put them in places where God can use them to minister and evangelize. We are a bunch of bikers who have been saved by the grace of God.


To bring the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to motorcycle club members, veterans, independent motorcyclists, and any others who may not fit into the “norm of society” and to minister to everyone and anyone else to whom God leads us.


To bring all types of people, including motorcycle club members into the Kingdom of Heaven and to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of men and women whenever and wherever we can.


The mission of BFC M/M is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to those in the motorcycle world.

Our primary mission is to share the good news of salvation through Christ to the members of motorcycle clubs and others in the motorcycle world and to minister to their spiritual and physical needs and those of their families.

Our secondary mission is to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of all those in need – prostitutes, orphans, street people, the homeless, the helpless, the bruised, the beaten, the lost, the last, and the least of society and anyone else the world does not want – with the good news of Jesus Christ.


Our motto is a quote from the British missionary to China, CT Studd .

Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bells, we want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.

Guiding Principles

We Serve God

BFC M/M is a ministry that serves the God of the Holy Bible, who we believe to be the only true God, the Creator of the universe, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. We serve no other purpose, person, philosophy, thing, government or power. Our dedication is solely directed to our Lord Jesus Christ.

We Value family

BFC M/M is a ministry that supports the God-ordained structure of the basic family unit. We firmly acknowledge that the priority of the lives of married BFC M/M members must first include our spouse and children and that our families are our first ministry.

BFC M/M will not support any cause or movement that works to destroy the Biblically based family unit of one man and one woman united in marriage.

We also strongly support the principle that children need as much time with loving parents as possible in order to grow into Godly adults.

We Value Work

Each member of BFC M/M, unless retired or disabled, should work in some type of vocation in such a way that God is honored.

We Value Ministry

Membership in BFC M/M is a serious calling. Those who want to become BFC M/M members must prayerfully seek God’s will and count the cost.

We Support The Church

BFC M/M supports the local, historic, Christian church. We require that every member regularly attend and financially support a Bible-believing Christian church.

We Support Our Government

While BFC M/M is not politically oriented or affiliated, we do acknowledge our allegiance to our country. We encourage participation in government and civic duty and prayer and support for our leaders.

BFC M/M will not encourage any actions that are contrary to the laws of government, except where those laws are contrary to the laws of God.

We Are A Nonprofit Corporation

BFC M/M is currently under the covering of Rushing Wind Ministries, a nonprofit corporation, and is tax exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3).

Free will donations to the ministry are tax exempt in the United States and gratefully accepted.

We Are Not A Commercial Venture

BFC M/M is a strictly nonprofit ministry under the umbrella of Rushing Wind Ministries Church in California.

Each BFC member residing in the United States supports BFC M/M International HQ with a pledged support of $ 5.00 per month paid annually or semi-annually ($60/year).

BFC M/M also reserves the right to sell products in exchange for fair market value and to charge reasonable fees to cover the expenses of special BFC M/M ministry events.

Qualifications For BFC M/M Membership

Bikers for Christ (BFC) M/M accepts Christian men and women, regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality, who are 18 years old or older, who are active members of a Bible-believing Christian church, and who own and operate (with appropriate licenses and insurance) a motorcycle with an engine size of more than 500 cc’s.

A non-riding spouse of a BFC member or applicant for BFC membership may also apply for membership in BFC. BFC M/M reserves the right to refuse membership based on a sinful lifestyle as described in the Word of God (including improper use of alcohol and/or prescription drugs, use of illegal drugs and marijuana) or other issues related to a person’s character, morals, or ethics.

Members who are already patched and are found to be indulging in such behavior will no longer remain in good standing and will have their membership status revoked.

It should also be noted that because of the nature of the BFC M/M, some professions could be considered to be a “conflict of interest”, and membership will be not be offered in such cases.

Core Values

Statement Of Faith

WE BELIEVE the Bible to exclusively be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21).

WE BELIEVE there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; John 1:1-14; John 10:30; John 14:15-26).


WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved to the resurrection of life, and they that are not saved to the resurrection of damnation (John 5:24-29; Revelation 20:11-15).

WE BELIEVE in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:20-23; Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 12:12-14; Galatians 5:16-25).

WE BELIEVE in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13-16; I Corinthians 6:19-20; Galatians 5:16-25).

We Display “Colors”

BFC M/M produces and distributes a distinct and trademarked back patch with top rocker, and other materials containing its logo to those individuals who have met the requirements of and been accepted as members of BFC M/M.

The back patch and top rocker as well as all other BFC M/M logo items are and shall always remain the property of the BFC M/M.

No object, patch, shirt or other product bearing our logo can be distributed to a non-member, other than items specifically designed as “support” items.

No one is permitted to possess or wear the BFC M/M patch unless he/she is a current member in good standing.

In the event, membership privilege is suspended or terminated, the patch and all other BFC M/M items must be immediately surrendered to BFC M/M representatives.

All BFC M/M members freely agree to this policy and also agrees that BFC M/M may use whatever legal means necessary to immediately regain their property if necessary.

BFC M/M members remaining in good standing will be held harmless along with any third parties who are involved in regaining possession of BFC M/M property. The person whose patch and membership are being revoked will pay any and all costs, such as court costs, attorney fees, and all litigation expense if there is a problem in regaining BFC M/M property.

All members are to remain in agreement with this policy.

Each Member Of BFC M/M Is Responsible For Their Own Actions

Bikers for Christ (BFC) M/M will not be held responsible or liable, directly, indirectly or consequentially, for the actions of its members or other individuals.

Each individual is responsible for his/her own actions and the consequences of those actions. This particularly applies to members who backslide, break any laws, or are involved in motorcycle or vehicle accidents. All BFC M/M members agree to hold harmless the organization of BFC M/M in the event the member is involved in any problems, crimes or vehicle accidents.

BFC M/M is committed to a safe motorcycling and ministry experience and every precaution will be taken to that end, but motorcycle riding has inherent risks, and ultimately, each BFC M/M member must acknowledge his/her own limitations and his/her own responsibility in this endeavor. Accordingly, each BFC M/M member hereby agrees to hold harmless the organization of BFC M/M.

Proper Use Of Social Media

No member at any time for any reason is to use social media to communicate personal opinions that are in conflict with the BFC M/M Charter or jeopardize the efficacy of BFC M/Mʼs ministries or good standing in the greater motorcycle community, that denigrate other motorcycle ministries, or mention, directly or indirectly, the name of any motorcycle club.

If in doubt… leave it out. If you are not sure, ask your leaders.

Any member who violates this trust will lose their good standing status and must surrender their BFC M/M patch and other items.

As A Ministry We Also Support the Following Statements “Motorcycle Clubs and Motorcycle Ministries Are Not Criminal Street Gangs”, and they should not be treated as such by the general public or authorities.

We support the rights of Motorcycle Clubs and Motorcycle Ministries to free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association and assembly as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution and Amendments thereto.


BFC International Headquarters reserves the right to edit this document if and when necessary.