Bikers For Christ Indiana

Serving The Lord On Our Motorcycles
Bikers For Christ Indiana Logo

Who Are We?

Bikers For Christ Members come from all walks of life, churches, vocations, callings, and backgrounds. We are passionate about God, family, bikers, and riding our motorcycles.

You’ll find us at motorcycle club events and clubhouses, independent bike rides, bike nights, fundraisers, prisons, hospitals, home visits, visiting down riders, shining shoes at the Harley shop, or encouraging those with cancer and their families.

We also find time for member gatherings, bar-b-ques, and rides.

We love and respect our Brothers and Sisters and take care of one another.

Vision For Indiana

My wife and I have been with Bikers For Christ since 2006 and have been blessed to meet a variety of people. Many of the people that we have met are hurting, many times at the hands of a person that calls themselves a Christian. We have met many Christians that do not understand what it means to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They seem to understand the Savior part, but misunderstand that he is Lord.

In this ministry the people that we minister to watch everything that we do and say. They look to see if we are real and true to Jesus, or do we say one thing and do another? They watch to see if we live out our faith in front of them. They look to see if we live our faith every day and at all times. People want to know if Christ Jesus is the Lord of our lives.

So before I start preaching, I want to share with you the Bikers For Christ Indiana vision.

The scriptures declare in Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

God has called and equipped each one of us for a different purpose. The Bible says that each of us has a calling on our lives. It is my vision that each of us Works within what God and His Holy Spirit have called us to do — beginning with Christ’s Commandments to love God with all our hearts and with all our souls and all our might and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

We understand that all humanity is made not only by God (formed in the womb ) but in the image of God.

God has a purpose for each of us, a plan or calling you may say. That calling is the will of God in our lives. It is also God’s desire that we share the gospel with all. That in his mercy, in his love, that he has made for us all to come back to him through his son Jesus Christ.

So in a nutshell, we are to be missionaries of Christ Jesus to the world and working in the calling that the Holy Spirit has Upon Our Lives, living out in front of those in the world that they may see Love & Mercy of Christ in us. That the world can see the way we love and care for each other and those around us. Remembering that we are servants have the one true God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in everything we do.

In His service,

Pastor Don, Indiana State Elder

Indiana state outline

Indiana State Elder

Pastor Don Louvier
Don Louvier ( Pastor Don ) Contact 260-854-2062  ( home ) 260-499-0883  ( cell ) Facebook Member Profile Preferred Contact Method Cell Phone Call hours Anytime

Bikers For Christ State Elders report to their Regional Elder. They are responsible for the spiritual health of their Chapter Elders and Members.

New Castle Indiana

Cross Roads

The Cross Roads chapter has the heart of Jesus for the lost with the desire to show what it is to have a relationship with the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Evansville Indiana


The Evansville chapter is a group of Christian bikers that believe in the sanctity of fellowship.
Terre Haute Indiana

Higher Ground

We strive to let Christ work through us in our actions on and off our bikes.
Northeast Indiana

NE Region

While the Northeast Region is the smallest chapter in Indiana, we have made a significant impact in our community.
Northwest Indiana

NW Region

Northwest Region members are regular attendees of many different motorcycle events in Indiana.
Mooresville Indiana


The Redeemed chapter believes it is not by our power or works, but only the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ that we are redeemed.
Chapter Locations Click icons to get directions.